
Showing posts from July, 2017

Star trek Discovery: Pre-release opinion.

The first thing you should know is that I love star trek it is still my favourite franchise even after all these years and when I heard that a new show was in development I was ecstatic. Finally, I could enjoy a Trek TV show that had the great graphics of the JJverse movies that set was set in the prime timeline of the old TV shows instead of the Kelvin Timeline. First came the concept animation and at first I was a bit perplexed It looked like a cross between a federation and Klingon design and I first thought it could look like that since maybe if it was set in the late 24 th or early 25 th century it could be a collaboration between the two allied powers. But then I heard that it was confirmed that it was a prequel set 10 years before the original series (2255 in timeline) which disappointed me since one it was a prequel that killed the franchise last time and two since it really through the design into suspicion, like how can the ship look like it was designed

Gender Equality: It goes both ways

The question that gets asked too often are you a feminist? Er no I am not at least not currently Gender inequality the ever divisive and toxic area that must be encroached on, we have all by know heard the facts of inequality towards women. The lower pay, less likely to be hired into managerial positions or public office and the fact their careers are significantly hindered by having children. Not to mention the more social aspects like the sexualisation of women and the treatment of them in the criminal justice systems of the world. All these issues and the ones I haven’t mentioned are terrible and must be stopped with efforts from both genders. And this for me is where the issues for gender equality arise, you often see articles in the paper or speeches by influential peoples stating that it’s an issue for both genders yet make no attempt to real them in and make no mention of the inequalities toward men. The Guardian did an article which called inequality an unjust gulf b