Our NHS is an incredible rairity, so lets protect it
Here in the UK, we are incredibly lucky to have a free at the point of need health care service. we are raised with the NHS there and become used to it, and now over the last few years slow it has come under threat, and here in this blog, I hope to explain why we should fight to keep it.
The NHS is funded almost entirely by taxes that people pay Like National insurance, VAT, Council tax etc and that is all we pay to the NHS other than £8 per prescription if you live in certain parts of the UK.To understand how incredible the NHS is we need to compare it to other Healthcare systems.
The Canadian healthcare system is largely free at the point of use however long term care and no prescriptions are covered by the Canadian system. The Australian system is partially state paid where The patient pays for 25% of the fees for a GP and 15% for specialist services.
However, the health care system most compared to the NHS is US health care system. In the USA the most Americans are insured through their employer, some are enrolled in a public insurance program whilst others buy insurance directly and pay either part or all of the insurance costs. which at first doesn't sound too bad much like the UK however, this is an insurance that is atop of any taxes and according to censuses, there are tens of millions of Americans that are not covered or are on a very basic insurance that does not cover many treatments.
American health care insurance can be unbelievably expensive in the hundreds to thousands of dollars a month. This is an insane cost that many can't cope with, To hammer home that point on cost, there was man who was on a $600 (approx £450) a month insurance policy for his long-term health care and he knew his family couldn't afford it so he ended his life instead risking his families financial security.
An American Doctor was interviewed by the guardian after using an NHS A&E and she said: "In America, there are people trying to save enough money for the copayment for the CT scan that will tell them if their cancer has returned or not.". A simple appendectomy to treat appendicitis cost one American $11,000 WITH insurance. The same scan and operation under NHS are both completely free.
Remember that NHS prescription fee, well I pay £8 per month for my Epilepsy medication In the US atop the hundreds per month for the insurance I could still pay $15 per month maybe more. I guess what I am trying to say is our NHS is so so important and is one of a kind and if the NHS would disappear we would have to pay similar fees that plague the US healthcare system.
That American Doctor had a message to the UK "Dear U.K., the NHS is awesome. Try to treat it a little better....The next time anyone mentions privatisation or user fees tell them in America there are people trying to save enough money for the copayment for the CT scan that will tell them if their cancer has returned or not.".
Let's do that let's fight for this as it could be the best thing about our country. let's keep the health care system that allows people to be treated without having to worry about bankruptcy, the healthcare system that is free at the point of need and let's make sure the NHS, our NHS is not only state-owned but fully funded. The NHS is vital and it has always had our backs and it needs our protection and help.
I hope to spread the message of the American doctor, the British people "To the British government, stop trying to mess it up.". Too often recently has the British government ignored experts and the people, it is about time the UK government remembers that it should act under the will of the governed and not for their own interests.
please share this message that our NHS is a necessity and needs our protection. I leave you with these Quotes:

The Canadian healthcare system is largely free at the point of use however long term care and no prescriptions are covered by the Canadian system. The Australian system is partially state paid where The patient pays for 25% of the fees for a GP and 15% for specialist services.
However, the health care system most compared to the NHS is US health care system. In the USA the most Americans are insured through their employer, some are enrolled in a public insurance program whilst others buy insurance directly and pay either part or all of the insurance costs. which at first doesn't sound too bad much like the UK however, this is an insurance that is atop of any taxes and according to censuses, there are tens of millions of Americans that are not covered or are on a very basic insurance that does not cover many treatments.
American health care insurance can be unbelievably expensive in the hundreds to thousands of dollars a month. This is an insane cost that many can't cope with, To hammer home that point on cost, there was man who was on a $600 (approx £450) a month insurance policy for his long-term health care and he knew his family couldn't afford it so he ended his life instead risking his families financial security.
An American Doctor was interviewed by the guardian after using an NHS A&E and she said: "In America, there are people trying to save enough money for the copayment for the CT scan that will tell them if their cancer has returned or not.". A simple appendectomy to treat appendicitis cost one American $11,000 WITH insurance. The same scan and operation under NHS are both completely free.
Remember that NHS prescription fee, well I pay £8 per month for my Epilepsy medication In the US atop the hundreds per month for the insurance I could still pay $15 per month maybe more. I guess what I am trying to say is our NHS is so so important and is one of a kind and if the NHS would disappear we would have to pay similar fees that plague the US healthcare system.
That American Doctor had a message to the UK "Dear U.K., the NHS is awesome. Try to treat it a little better....The next time anyone mentions privatisation or user fees tell them in America there are people trying to save enough money for the copayment for the CT scan that will tell them if their cancer has returned or not.".
Let's do that let's fight for this as it could be the best thing about our country. let's keep the health care system that allows people to be treated without having to worry about bankruptcy, the healthcare system that is free at the point of need and let's make sure the NHS, our NHS is not only state-owned but fully funded. The NHS is vital and it has always had our backs and it needs our protection and help.
I hope to spread the message of the American doctor, the British people "To the British government, stop trying to mess it up.". Too often recently has the British government ignored experts and the people, it is about time the UK government remembers that it should act under the will of the governed and not for their own interests.
please share this message that our NHS is a necessity and needs our protection. I leave you with these Quotes:

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