Review of Assassin's Creed

While the world continued to swoon over the masterpiece that was Rogue One I was sitting waiting for my time to go see one of my most anticipated films in years Assassin's Creed.

As a fan of the game series that spawned this film I was really looking forward to this movie and I was not disappointed. As a massive departure from previous video game adaptations, some of which should be banned for being so bad, this film was a pleasant surprise.

This film boasts a higher budget, higher class cast and it really shows as a movie it is constantly entertaining and fun to watch. With well-crafted fight scenes and good explanations for things like the bleeding effect and a much more believable animus than even the games offered that explained how he learns the skills of the assassins.

The acting from Fassbender and Cotillard and Irons is as always great. The fight scenes are beautifully crafted with the skills of the assassins perfectly portrayed. These things while great don’t hold the secret to why I liked this film so much.

The problem with video game movies is that unlike books they are already partially cinematic and don’t require fans to imagine what a film would be like since you are playing that movie especially with Assassins Creed as probably the most cinematic game to get a movie.
Where Assassin’s Creed differs from previous video game movies is that it doesn’t follow the protagonist of the game while still following and even expanding upon the script and mythos of the Assassins Creed universe, even as a fan of the games I had no clue what was going to happen next.

Does this film have flaws most certainly, as does every film, in fact, other than last year rouge one I can’t think of a film without flaws. After some questionable emersion breaking transitions during the first few scenes mainly in the execution scene where Callum believes he is about to die there is some bad transitions from brilliant acting to what appears to be the background from windows media player 7.
Also, other people and critics have criticised the plot for being a generic hero story but it’s based off a video game and reusing the generic hero plotline has been done in nearly every action movie and TV show of the last decade. Plus, considering the quality midway and late in the film these things are minor and doesn’t affect my overall experience or enjoyment.

I’m not saying this is a great movie shrouded in Rouge One’s giant shadow (the proximity of the films probably didn’t help)  I’m saying is a very good movie that has the potential to spawn a great trilogy.


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