General Election 2017 wait another one?

Earlier this week Theresa May called for a general election to be run, stating that divisions in Westminster over Brexit are delaying progress in a time of unity for the nation. However, there is as usual much much more to this story and I will explain the reasons why and my opinions on the matter. Why call an election now? Well, there are several reasons for a general election to be called one being Brexit, the negotiations for Brexit are scheduled or rather estimated to take up to 3 years which would mean the climax of any deals or proposals would be happening as the election in 2020 was nearing. this would place the government at a disadvantage since some nations may try and use that as leverage against the UK to get a better deal. Another reason is that Theresa May has no mandate she is unelected (as PM) , this presents the issue that many don't perceive her as having authority to govern but also means that she is bound by the manifesto and promises of David C...