Our Weird World: The snowballing darkness
There is so much darkness so much pain and insanity that we are sadly becoming used to it this was proven to me when I heard the news that concentration/torture camps for Gay men have been set up in Chechnya and my reaction was nothing more than "not another tragedy". every day there is a new tragedy and we are shown them in dribs and drabs i will now list some, some of the things wrong today in our world.
Only today has there been a bomb attack on a convoy of refugees fleeing Syria, before that in the past weeks there has been a chemical weapon attack in Syria by the Syrian government that killed over 90 civilians and in response to that president Trump did a massive U-turn and decided to launch 59 missiles at 1 airfield in Syria.
President Trump the least popular American president a man who not only embodies chauvinistic, sexist and prejudice ideas but employs discriminatory and near totalitarian methods in governing his nation. A man who deliberately makes a fool of himself not only to hide the fact his government had regular staff resignations and sackings but to hide the fact he actually hasn't done much other than fire some missiles and sign some documents and get investigated by the FBI.
Trump has made himself unchallengeable if you criticize the man you are circulating fake news, this allows him to make up figures and events, like that shooting in Sweden that never happened, that when disproved by facts are called alternative facts (lies).
Speaking of Sweden, they were the victim of another vehicular terror attack. in the past months in Europe and the rest of the word, there has been a weekly near-daily terror attack or attempt somewhere London, Bangor, Derry, Kansas City, Strabane(suspected), Naurskaya (Russia) Stockholm, Bristol(attempted), Oslo (attempted) to name a very small few.
Let's talk about something less horrific, Everyone has apparently forgotten about the electoral fraud committed by Conservative MPs in the 2015 general election. and while many people in the UK are quick to criticize the appointment of Donald Trump as US president after he has fewer votes than his opponent they soon forget our Prime minister is unelected.
Theresa May is an unelected PM she has no mandate to govern no authority to dictate the direction of this nation yet she is quick to dispose of the NHS and send our education system back 40 years by bringing back grammar schools and lead the UK into a hard Brexit; May has been compared to Margaret Thatcher but she is so so much worse.
May is saying regularly that We are in this together and while she can spin a speech enough to even give the most left wing person pause she is only trying to line her pockets, she says That we can't afford the NHS that we must cut benefits and all tighten our belts while simultaneously spending billions on rail lines that are unnecessary on missile systems that we can never use, on giving MP's their third pay rise and paying to refurbish Westminster and Buckingham palace.
To her and her government, a person's worth is defined only by their own or their parents earning potential, she has just changed the benefit rules so that hundreds of thousands of children will be in poverty in the world's 5/6th largest economy and we have families who rely on charities to survive. and then there is the reintroduction of the grammar school system which determines a person intellect and potential at age 11 and their family wealth.
If you fail the 11 plus you can't attend these grammar schools which means you are very unlikely to attend university, and even if you pass your family needs to be wealthy enough to buy the uniforms and pay fees. basically limiting the potential of thousands maybe millions purely on an inefficient test and family income.
and this is only the beginning there is so much more there is a massive build-up of far right political parties in European countries recently, there is mass abuse and torture of the LGBT community in several countries where gay men are actually being hunted.
and you are probably wondering why did I spend hours on this post to show you the worst of our world and its people well because as I said we are getting exposed to a little amount each day and after a while, it snowballs and we become used to it, it becomes normal.

There is a lot of darkness around currently and to stop that darkness becoming the new normal we must be that light so we know when we are in the dark be aware of what we have what we deserve and what we could have.
look for the light in friends, family loved ones to focus on the good and the bad because without one the other has no meaning. these quotes from much smarter wiser people say it better than me.
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