
Showing posts from August, 2016

Our NHS is an incredible rairity, so lets protect it

 Here in the UK, we are incredibly lucky to have a free at the point of need health care service. we are raised with the NHS there and become used to it, and now over the last few years slow it has come under threat, and here in this blog, I hope to explain why we should fight to keep it. The NHS is funded almost entirely by taxes that people pay Like National insurance, VAT, Council tax etc and that is all we pay to the NHS other than £8 per prescription if you live in certain parts of the UK.To understand how incredible the NHS is we need to compare it to other Healthcare systems. The Canadian healthcare system is largely free at the point of use however long term care and no prescriptions are covered by the Canadian system. The Australian system is partially state paid where The patient pays for 25% of the fees for a GP and 15% for specialist services. However, the health care system most compared to the NHS is US health care system. In the USA the most Americans are ins...

How I coped with a family member having an incurable illness

Over the past decade, I have had to learn to cope with the fact my mother has an incurable illness that will one day take her from me and my family and this journey has not been an easy one and it has been a solitary one. Only recently have I decided to talk about it since I am aware that hundreds well thousands of people are faced with is daily, and I hope this blog serves to help them in some way. It all started back when I was 10 and I came home to my mother at the dining table trying to hide the tears having taking medical retirement, and obviously I was too young to understand what was going on and for a long time I was completely oblivious I treated my mother like nothing was wrong. Until I was in my biology class in year 9 and doing piece on the pulmonary system and illness that often occurred and there at the top of the page was the acronym COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, an illness that is incurable and will one day involve my mother being chai...

Batman V Superman Ultimate Edition is it worth it?

So in March I left the cinema at first in awe of one of the most anticipated Superhero movies ever Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. At first, I was overloaded by the great parts of this movie that I was blind to its faults, but with reviews and a re-watch, I realised that Batman V Superman really did leave a lot to be desired and explained. But don’t despair here comes the Batman V Superman Ultimate edition with an extra 30 minutes of footage that for some inexplicable reason was left out of the theatrical version so the debate began and is still being waged on whether it is worth buying this Blu-ray edition. Well, I watched the ultimate edition to see whether it solved many of the theatrical editions shortcomings. However, I needed to watch it as a new standalone movie then compare it to the original so I wasn’t biassed to any of the failings I have already seen. Batman V Superman Ultimate Edition opens up to a visually dramatic and emotive interpretation to the murder ...

Suicide Squad Movie Review

On Friday the 5th I like thousands of other people went to see the highly anticipated Suicide Squad. As a superhero (or in this case villain) movie fan and occasional comic book reader I had high hopes, but keep an open mind.  This movie an exciting oddity with Magic and misfits and comedy and action, it had its highs and like near all movies it had its lows.  Margo Robbie's Harley Quinn is a sadistically psychotic as possible   and makes you believe that the joker isn't the craziest person in the room, Leto' joker is truly insane and completely unpredictable. However, I will wait for his next appearance for the true verdict on this take on the joker.  Viola Davis's A manda Waller is portrayed as a cold-hearted near evil woman who will do anything to protect her nation and world. Cara Delevingne manages to pull off the possessive otherworldly witch and the reclusive tortured young woman who wishes her torment to end  Despite a barrag...