I am left wing but what does that mean?

Recently I was asked quite normally where on the political spectrum I considered myself to sit and I said Left wing like I had dozens of times before, except this time the persons look soured and it looked as though they lost respect for me since I identified as left wing. I was shocked and confused why did this person think this and why was it deemed a less respectful political ideology. I decided to reevaluate my position, was I still left wing? Has my position changed? Has the positions of the left changed? What does it mean to be left wing in 2017? Why do I consider myself to be left wing? Well traditionally the left wing is more supportive of the welfare state, equitable actions by the state to make everyone equal, basically more socialist actions and ideals. Myself I believe in a nation where we have A fully funded NHS, where education is a right, not a privilege where the economy is built on public spending, not public suffering. So why am I uncertain? Well, I a...